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Under Construction

This documentation is auto-generated, and is a work in progress. Please see the source code at for the most up-to-date information.


Represents an "applied interval" of reduce data, for both the min and max binary clips.

In our segmented reduction, at each level we need to track intervals with the "fragments" of chunks' edges that have not been completed yet.

"left" means "the reduction of all values for the chunk index at the start of this interval" "right" means "the reduction of all values for the chunk index at the end of this interval"

Sometimes the left/right are equal (IFF they have the same chunk index).

Each reduced data notes whether it contains the first/last edge of the chunk it references. Once we combine reduces so that it contains both the first and last edge, we can "apply" it, moving the reduced data into the chunk.

TODO: produce general documentation on this whole process.

@author Jonathan Olson <>

Class RasterChunkReduceQuad

import { RasterChunkReduceQuad } from 'scenerystack/alpenglow';


new RasterChunkReduceQuad( leftMin : RasterChunkReduceData, leftMax : RasterChunkReduceData, rightMin : RasterChunkReduceData, rightMax : RasterChunkReduceData )

Instance Methods

toStrings() : string[]

writeEncoding( encoder : ByteEncoder )

Static Methods

combine( a : RasterChunkReduceQuad, b : RasterChunkReduceQuad ) : RasterChunkReduceQuad

readEncoding( arrayBuffer : ArrayBuffer, byteOffset : number ) : RasterChunkReduceQuad

fromArrayBuffer( arrayBuffer : ArrayBuffer ) : RasterChunkReduceQuad[]

Static Properties



INDETERMINATE : RasterChunkReduceQuad


OUT_OF_RANGE : RasterChunkReduceQuad


Source Code

See the source for RasterChunkReduceQuad.ts in the alpenglow repository.