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Scenery Basics


Scenery helps you build 2D graphics and interfaces using a declarative structure.

Scenery is built on a scene graph: the visual elements in your UI are organized into a hierarchy of nodes, similar to the DOM.

Scenery's Display is responsible for efficiently rendering updates to the scene graph to the screen. It can seamlessly mix SVG, Canvas, and WebGL rendering behind-the-scenes to provide the best performance and quality for your application.

Getting Started

Need to set up SceneryStack first?

This guide assumes you have already read the Setup guide and have a SceneryStack project set up.

To get started with Scenery, you need to create a Display and a Node to render. Here’s a simple example that creates a Display and renders a line of text with a logo:

First, create a block-level element (like a div) that has declared dimensions:

<div id="getting-started-example" style="width: 400px; height: 100px;"></div>

Then the following code will create a Display and render a Text and an Image inside:


All the code examples on this page are editable! Feel free to try them out—editing the code will update the example display above the code. Have fun experimenting!

The Display will have similar coordinates to normal elements, with the origin at the top-left corner of the element. In this case, the Display will be 400px wide and 100px tall.

The code above places the Text so that its center is at (200, 50) in the Display (halfway across and halfway down).


Nodes are the fundamental building blocks of Scenery. They represent visual elements in your scene. Each node can have children, which are other nodes that are positioned relative to their parent.

SceneryStack often uses a declarative syntax to create nodes. For example, you can create a TextPushButton node with a specific font and color:

All of the primitive Scenery nodes also support an imperative syntax for all of their parameters for maximizing performance:

When using the declarative options syntax, the parameters are executed in an order such that anything that affects the size of the node will be applied before anything that depends on the position of the node (e.g. center).


Nodes can have children, which are other nodes that are positioned relative to their parent. The order of the children matters: Nodes are rendered in the order they appear in the children array, with earlier entries (e.g., node.children[0]) being drawn behind later entries (e.g., node.children[1]).

In addition, any Node can have children, including ones that display their own content. In that case, the parent's content will be behind the child's content.

Children can also be added to a node using the addChild() method:

and the ability to removeChild() or insertChild() exists for when you need to modify the children of a node.


Shapes are displayed with the Path subtype of Node. There are a number of flexible Path subtypes for common shapes: Rectangle, Circle, and Line. All Path types (along with anything Paintable, like Text) can take fills, strokes, and other parameters that control their appearance.

It is also possible to create custom shapes with the Shape object. The API is very similar to the CanvasRenderingContext2D API, where the path commands are used to define the Shape:

Path objects can also be created with a SVG path string (see documentation for the SVG path syntax):

To learn more about Shape objects, see the Shape Guide.


Basic Text

Basic text is displayed with the Text subtype of Node. The text can be styled with the font, fill, and stroke.

Text nodes take in either a string or a TReadOnlyProperty<string> object (a Property, ReadOnlyProperty, or TinyProperty with a string value). They will dynamically update their displayed text when the Property changes, to support dynamic and translated content:

Note: Text is positioned so that the origin of the node is at the left baseline of the text.

Rich Text

RichText is capable of displaying a subset of HTML-like content:

It is also possible to embed arbitrary Scenery nodes in a RichText:

See the RichText documentation for more information on all supported options and tags.


Images can be displayed (with the upper-left corner at the origin of the node) with the Image subtype of Node.

The source of images can be either a URL, a CanvasHTMLElement, an HTMLImageElement, or a special type to support mipmaps.

Note that images will not have immediately-correct bounds unless they have already been loaded. It is possible to provide an initialWidth or initialHeight to the Image constructor to provide bounds before the image is loaded.

DOM Elements

DOM elements can be added, and will be transformed with CSS transforms to be in the expected place (their origin will be at the top-left corner of the element).

Note: allowInput: true is required if you want to interact with the DOM element.

Positioning Nodes

Each Node has a transformation associated with it that can be used to position and scale the node. The affine transformation can be represented by a 3x3 matrix, and allows for translation, rotation, scaling, and shearing.

For the examples below, keep in mind that the origin of the node (the point \((0,0)\)) is at the top-left corner of the rectangles.

Common ways to adjust (or read) the positions of a node include:


The translation property of a node is a Vector2 that represents the position of the node in the parent's coordinate frame. For example, to move a node 100 units to the right and 50 units down:

The translation can be broken up into x and y components, that can be accessed and modified individually:


The rotation property of a node is a number that represents the rotation of the node in radians. For example, to rotate a node \(\pi/6\) radians:


The scale property of a node is a Vector2 that represents the scaling of the node in the x and y directions. Usually, the x and y components are the same, and thus can be adjusted with a single number:


If you need to apply a more complex transformation, you can use the matrix property of a node. This property is a Matrix3 that represents the full transformation of the node. For example, to apply a rotation and translation:

Corresponding to:

\[ M_{out} = \begin{bmatrix} \cos\theta & -\sin\theta & x \\ \sin\theta & \cos\theta & y \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} * M_{in} \]

For most purposes, this is not needed (for example, the rotation and translation properties can be applied to the same object).

Order of Transformations

When applied declaratively (in an options object), Scenery will first adjust the matrix, then the translation, rotation, and scale (in that order).

If a Node's matrix property has the value \(M_{in}\), and a transformation \(M\) is applied to the node, the resulting matrix \(M_{out}\) will be:

\[ M_{out} = M * M_{in} \]

When applied (either from the declarative order, or with imperative commands), the freshly applied transformation will act like it was applied last.

Coordinate Frames

Local Coordinate Frame

The children and content of a Node will be positioned in the node's local coordinate frame. This means that the origin of the node is at \((0,0)\), and the x-axis points to the right and the y-axis points down.

Local coordinate frames ignore the transformation of the given node. When you are adding children to a node, you are placing the children into the parent node's local coordinate frame.

Parent Coordinate Frame

Nodes can also have a transform that will manipulate the position of the displayed content. When this transform is applied to content in the local coordinate frame, the result is the position of the content in the node's parent coordinate frame.

Parent coordinate frames take the transformation of the given node into account.


For example, a Rectangle with a left/top of \((0,0)\) and a width/height of \((100,50)\) will have its content dislayed \(x\) values of \(0\) to \(100\) and \(y\) values of \(0\) to \(50\) within the local coordinate frame.

If the Rectangle has a scale of \(2\) applied (doubling the size) and is rotated, each point in the rectangle will have different coordinates in the parent coordinate frame (except for the origin).

Global Coordinate Frame

Typically, content will be displayed within a Display. The Display node's local coordinate frame is also called the global coordinate frame, and it is the coordinate frame that maps to browser px (CSS pixels).

To compute the shape of a node in the global coordinate frame, it is possible to apply each transformation to it, from the node to the Display's Node.


Scenery uses axis-aligned bounding boxes (Bounds2) to represent the rectangular area that will contain something that is displayed.

Each Paintable (one that displays something, like a Text or Path) will define a selfBounds that contains the content that it individually will display (in the local coordinate frame).

In addition, every Node will have a localBounds that will include the selfBounds of the node, and all of the children of the node (all in the local coordinate frame).

Note: The localBounds will NOT change when the node is transformed.

For determining the bounding box of a node in the parent coordinate frame, the bounds property will be a transformed version of the localBounds of the node.

Note: The bounds will change when the node is transformed.

Bounds-Based Positioning

It is very common to position nodes based on their bounds, so Scenery has a number of properties that can be used to position nodes based on their bounds:

Single Coordinates

  • left, centerX, and right can be used to read or write the \(x\)-coordinate of the left, center, or right of the node's bounds.
  • top, centerY, and bottom can be used to read or write the \(y\)-coordinate of the top, center, or bottom of the node's bounds.

Both Coordinates

  • center can be used to read or write the center of the node's bounds (as a Vector2)
  • centerTop, leftCenter, rightCenter, and centerBottom can be used to read or write the center of the top, left, right, or bottom of the node's bounds.
  • leftTop, rightTop, leftBottom, and rightBottom can be used to read or write the corners of the node's bounds.

If these options are used declaratively, they will be applied after any other options that will affect the bounds of the node (e.g. a Node will be first scaled or rotated, and only THEN positioned based on the bounds).


There are a number of layout primitives that can be used to position nodes relative to each other, and can be used to create more complex layouts:


HBox positions content similarly to a horizontal flexbox in CSS, where the content is laid out in a row (or rows), and the content can be aligned to the top, center, or bottom of the row.


VBox positions content similarly to a vertical flexbox in CSS, where the content is laid out in a column (or columns), and the content can be aligned to the left, center, or right of the column.


GridBox positions content in a grid, where the content is laid out in rows and columns.


AlignBox allows positioning a Node within a rectangle, with margins and/or alignment.


ManualConstraint allows for continuously applying imperative-style layout constraints between two or more nodes.

See the Scenery Layout guide for more information on how to use these layout primitives.


The Display takes a Node and renders it (and all of its descendants) to the screen. The Display will efficiently update the view so only changed elements are redrawn, maintaining a high level of performance.

A Display can have a background color, which can be fully or partially transparent.

Creating a Display

A Display can either be created with a pre-existing block-level element, or it can create its own element (which can be placed in the DOM).

With a Pre-Existing Element

Pass an element to the container option of Display's constructor:

Scenery by default will apply CSS styles to the container. Typically it is best to have a containing block (element with position: relative/absolute/fixed) around a Display to ensure that the Display is positioned correctly.

Creating a New Element

A Display will by default create its own element. This can be accessed with display.domElement, and can be added to the DOM:

Updating the Display

The Display will not automatically update when content inside of it changes. Either manually call updateDisplay() on it, or create a render loop with updateOnRequestAnimationFrame(). See more below for animation and user interactivity.

Sizing the Display

The Display will have the same size as the container element that it is placed in. Note: Currently if the element changes size the Display will not update size.

The Display can be manually sized with the width and height (and those can be mutated in the future):

It also has a method resizeOnWindowResize() which can be used to automatically resize the Display when the window resizes.

If the Display will take up the entire window, it is recommended to use assumeFullWindow: true when constructing the Display. This can improve behavior for some input handling.

Updates and Animation

Changes over time are usually done with an event loop. These can either be created by using updateOnRequestAnimationFrame(), or by manually listening to animation frames from the browser with requestAnimationFrame.

When using updateOnRequestAnimationFrame(), a difference in time (delta-T, or dt) will be passed to the update function. This can be used to create smooth animations that are independent of the frame rate:

The Animation type (and twixt module in general) are very helpful for creating simple animations:

For more complex animations, it is recommended to rely on positioning/manipulating nodes based on dt.

For more on twixt animations, see the Animation Guide.

User Interactivity

Scenery has an event dispatch system, somewhat similar to how DOM events work. This can be turned on with display.initializeEvents(). The Display will then listen for mouse, touch and pen events, and dispatch them to the appropriate nodes:

Scenery has an event system that supports low-level event handling:

and high-level event handling:

For common interactions, it is recommended to use DragListener (for drags) or FireListener (for button-like interactions), or the more general PressListener.

If the Display is not taking up the full window, it is recommended to pass listenToOnlyElement: true to the Display.

Additionally, the Scenery Input guide has more information on Scenery's low-level input handling.

Mouse/Touch Areas

By default, nodes will respond to events when the mouse/touch (known as a pointer) is over the node. This can be adjusted so that buttons or other nodes will respond to presses over a different region.

This is most useful when dealing with touch interfaces, where it can be best to expand the touchAreas of nodes to make them easier to interact with.


The cursor that is displayed when the mouse is over a node can be adjusted with the cursor property of a node (try hovering over the examples here with a mouse):

See MDN's cursor reference for all of the possible cursor values.


By default, placing an input listener on a node will make ALL of its contents receive and forward events. Sometimes it is helpful to have some contents of a node be "invisible" to interaction. This can be done by setting pickable to false:

If you want to disable input handling on a node entirely, but still want it to block events from passing through it (as if it was invisible), inputEnabled can be used instead.

Additionally, pickable can also be explicitly set to true to force a Node that has no input listeners to block input from things behind it:


Scenery supports a variety of accessibility features, but chief among them is its support for screen-reader users. It creates a parallel DOM structure of DOM elements that is invisible, but can be read by assistive technology.

Most UI components have lower-level details already provided, and they should be given an accessibleName and ideally accessibleHelpText:

Scenery also provides access to the lower-level DOM manipulation, scaffolding each Node such that it can have separate DOM elements for itself, a label, its description, and for the surrounding container. In addition, the content is dynamic by nature, and can be updated with the current state:

It is also possible to trigger alerts via ARIA live to users when specific events happen (here we will make alerts visible at the bottom of your screen):

The Scenery Accessibility guide has more information on how to use Scenery's accessibility features.


Scenery doesn't restrict the nodes to a tree, but instead allows nodes to have multiple parents in a directed acyclic graph (DAG). This prevents loops, but allows a single node to be displayed in multiple places:

Note that the node has multiple parents that each have a different transform applied to them. It is not valid to have a parent node with multiple copies of the same child node (they would be identical).

The input system will differentiate between which instance of a Node is being interated with by using a Trail (storing the unique path to the root node). This can also be used to recover which instance is being interacted with.


Scenery can also display a large number of sprites (static images) very efficiently. This is done either with WebGL or Canvas. Each can have its own transform and opacity:

Node Properties


Setting a node's visible property to false will make it not render (and not receive input events). In addition, layout containers by default will not allocate space for invisible nodes:


Opacity will control how transparent a Node will appear. It can range from 0 (completely transparent) to 1 (completely opaque):

Clip Area

A clip area can restrict the shape of the visible content of a Node (and its descendants). Content outside the clip area will not be shown:


A Node can have one or more filters applied to it, that affect the color of the content or apply another effect:


Scenery can render many types of nodes across different rendering backends. In addition, it can seamlessly combine the rendering of different types of nodes (e.g. SVG and WebGL) in the same scene graph: