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Under Construction

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The popup list box for a ComboBox.

@author Chris Malley (PixelZoom, Inc.)

Class ComboBoxListBox

import { ComboBoxListBox } from 'scenerystack/sun';


new ComboBoxListBox( property : TProperty<T>, items : ComboBoxItemNoNode<T>[], nodes : Node[], hideListBoxCallback : () => void, focusButtonCallback : () => void, voiceOnSelectionNode : VoicingNode, tandem : Tandem, providedOptions? : ComboBoxListBoxOptions )

Instance Methods


setItemVisible( value : T, visible : boolean )

Sets the visibility of one or more items in the listbox that correspond to a value. Assumes that each item in the listbox has a unique value. @param value - the value associated with the ComboBoxItem @param visible

isItemVisible( value : T ) : boolean

Is the item that corresponds to a value visible when the listbox is popped up? @param value - the value associated with the ComboBoxItem

focusListItemNode( value : T )

Focuses the ComboBoxListItemNode that corresponds to a specified value. If the item for that value is not visible, focus is placed on the first visible item.

Static Methods

getMaxItemWidthProperty( nodes : Node[] ) : TReadOnlyProperty<number>

getMaxItemHeightProperty( nodes : Node[] ) : TReadOnlyProperty<number>

Type ComboBoxListBoxOptions

import type { ComboBoxListBoxOptions } from 'scenerystack/sun';
  • highlightFill?: TPaint
    fill for the highlight behind items in the list
  • comboBoxListItemNodeOptions?: ComboBoxListItemNodeOptions
    Options that apply to every ComboBoxItemNode created in the list
  • openedSoundPlayer?: TSoundPlayer
    Sound generators for when combo box is opened and when it is closed with no change. Closing with a change is covered by individual combo box items.
  • closedNoChangeSoundPlayer?: TSoundPlayer
  • & PanelOptions

Source Code

See the source for ComboBoxListBox.ts in the sun repository.