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Under Construction

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Generic base class responsible for interfacing between a Node to alert description.

@author Michael Kauzmann (PhET Interactive Simulations)

Class Alerter

import { Alerter } from 'scenerystack/scenery-phet';


new Alerter( providedOptions? : AlerterOptions )

Instance Methods

alert( alertable : TAlertable )

Alert to both description and voicing utteranceQueues, depending on if both are supported by this instance

alertDescriptionUtterance( alertable : TAlertable )

Forward to provided Node for UtteranceQueue alerting logic. See ParallelDOM.alertDescriptionUtterance() for details.

forEachUtteranceQueue( utteranceQueueCallback : UtteranceQueueCallback )

Forward to provided Node for UtteranceQueue alerting logic. See ParallelDOM.forEachUtteranceQueue() for details.

Instance Properties

alertToVoicing : boolean


descriptionAlertNode : Node | null


Type AlerterOptions

import type { AlerterOptions } from 'scenerystack/scenery-phet';
  • alertToVoicing?: boolean
    When true, alerts will be sent to the voicingUtteranceQueue. This shutoff valve is similar to descriptionAlertNode, but for voicing.
  • descriptionAlertNode?: Node | null
    If provided, use this Node to send description alerts to one or more Display's UtteranceQueue. Unlike for Voicing, description alerts must occur through a Node connected to a Display through the scene graph. If null, do not alert for description (same as alertToVoicing:false). NOTE: No description will alert without this option!
  • & EnabledComponentOptions

Source Code

See the source for Alerter.ts in the scenery-phet repository.