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Scenery Accessibility

Under Construction

This document and others in this section are under heavy revision.

Scenery's Accessibility Features

Scenery includes a variety of accessibility features to ensure interactive content is usable by a wide range of users. This document focuses on the Parallel DOM, which enables screen reader accessibility. Scenery also provides additional accessibility-related features:

  • Parallel DOM – A parallel HTML tree that mirrors the Scenery scene graph, allowing screen readers to interpret visual content.
  • Pan and Zoom – Built-in support for zooming and panning within a Scenery display, with multiple input methods for control.
  • Voicing – Application-generated speech using SpeechSynthesis for dynamic spoken feedback.

Background Information

Before diving into the documentation, it's important to understand key accessibility concepts such as accessible HTML, the accessibility tree, accessible names, and ARIA. The following resources provide essential background knowledge:

  • Accessible HTML – An introduction to accessible, semantic HTML. Since Scenery's accessibility support relies on the HTML it generates, understanding semantic HTML is crucial.
  • The Accessibility Tree – Learn how browsers interpret HTML into a structured "Accessibility Tree." Key concepts include accessible names and roles, which define how screen readers perceive elements.
  • Accessible Name – Discover multiple strategies for assigning accessible names to elements, ensuring flexibility in your code.
  • ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) – ARIA extends semantic HTML to improve accessibility for dynamic content and complex interactions. However, remember the first rule of ARIA: Don’t use ARIA unless necessary!

The Parallel DOM

Scenery uses HTML5 technologies (svg, canvas, webgl) for rendering, but these provide little to no built-in semantic information for assistive technologies (AT). The Parallel DOM (PDOM) extracts semantic data from the scene graph and generates a separate, structured HTML representation that is accessible to screen readers and other AT.

Think of the PDOM as the HTML equivalent of the graphical Node content in the display. It remains invisible on the screen but dynamically updates to reflect changes in the scene, ensuring accessibility support for interactive content. By leveraging HTML, Scenery benefits from built-in accessibility features like keyboard navigation and screen-reader descriptions, offloading much of the work to the browser and AT.

Any Scenery Node can have accessible content, which will be reflected in the PDOM. However, the PDOM only includes nodes that explicitly specify accessible content.

Scenery's Accessibility API (Powered by the PDOM)

Scenery's accessibility features are enabled by creating a Display with the accessibility: true option. Most of these features are implemented in ParallelDOM, a trait mixed into Node, providing getters and setters for PDOM-related properties. Developers can configure accessibility options in super() or mutate() function calls.

For more details and up-to-date API documentation, refer to the ParallelDOM.js source code. The sidebar categorizes accessibility options, with an emphasis on example-based explanations rather than traditional documentation.

A Basic Example

The primary way to implement accessibility in Scenery is by passing options to Node. To ensure a node appears in the PDOM, it needs an associated HTML element, which can be defined using the tagName option:

Using innerContent

The example above shows a simple Scenery Rectangle represented as a <p> tag in the PDOM. In addition to specifying a tagName, the innerContent option can be used to add text content inside the <p> element.

Multiple DOM Elements per Node

The basic example demonstrates a single DOM element representing a node in the PDOM. However, ParallelDOM.js supports a more structured HTML representation. Each node can have multiple DOM elements. At minimum, a node must specify a primary element with tagName, but it can also include:

  • Label Element (labelTagName) – Used for labeling the primary element.
  • Description Element (descriptionTagName) – Provides additional explanatory text.
  • Container Element (containerTagName) – Groups the primary, label, and description elements together.


Understanding key terminology helps clarify how elements are structured within the PDOM:

  • Sibling Elements – The primary, label, and description elements of a node are "siblings" within the PDOM structure. These elements are not siblings of the original node but rather siblings to each other under a shared containerParent.
  • PDOMPeer (Peer) – Each node has a PDOMPeer, which manages the HTMLElements associated with that node in the PDOM.
  • Primary Element – The core element that represents the node (tagName).
  • Supplementary Elements – Additional elements such as labels and descriptions (labelTagName and descriptionTagName).
  • Container Element – If multiple elements exist, they can be grouped together inside a container (containerTagName).


Below is an example of a node using all its elements to provide the fullest semantic representation of a simulation component in the PDOM.

In this example, the rectangle's primary sibling is a button with an Accessible Name of "Grab Magnet". It has:

  • A label sibling with an <h3> tag containing the text "Grab Magnet".
  • A description sibling with a <p> tag containing a descriptive sentence.


  • All supplemental HTML elements (container, description, and label) have default tag names in the PDOM API. If a *Content option is provided without specifying *TagName, a default tag is used. See PDOMUtils for the defaults.
  • By default, description and label elements appear before the primary sibling in the PDOM. This behavior can be adjusted using the appendLabel and appendDescription options.
  • Nodes without accessible content, such as the Text node "North South Magnet", do not appear in the PDOM.

The Structure of the PDOM

By default, the PDOM hierarchy mirrors the scene graph hierarchy. This means that if both a parent node and child node have accessible content, the child's accessible HTML will be nested inside the parent's primary sibling in the PDOM.

Scenery handles this structure using PDOMPeer, which manages and controls all HTML elements associated with a node.

Leveraging the Scene Graph

Consider an example where we have a box filled with circles, and we want the PDOM representation to be an unordered list (<ul>) with list items (<li>).

In this example, Scenery automatically structures the PDOM so that the list items (<li>) are children of the unordered list (<ul>), aligning with the hierarchy of the scene graph.


The PDOM API offers significant flexibility in how content is structured in the PDOM. Each sibling element (such as a label or description) has a defined role, but at its core, it is simply an HTML element, and its tag name can be customized.

For example, a node can be used solely to add text content to the PDOM. By default, supplementary peer elements have predefined tag names. (Note: As of writing, sibling tag names default to <p>.)

In this sense, the naming of options to control each sibling is somewhat arbitrary—the API is designed to be flexible, allowing you to choose what works best for each situation. Not every node needs all four HTML elements in its PDOM representation, so use your judgment when structuring accessible content.

Keyboard Navigation

The PDOM API supports keyboard navigation only on a node’s primary sibling. A key principle is to make the DOM element as semantically meaningful as possible.

For example, if a button exists in the simulation, the best choice for its primary sibling’s tagName is "button". A less accessible alternative would be using a <div> and manually adding event listeners to mimic button behavior. However, an assistive technology (AT) cannot infer a <div>’s intended function, making the experience worse for users.

In general, always favor semantic HTML elements that convey meaning directly to users. While ARIA can improve accessibility in some cases, it should be used sparingly. Remember: The first rule of ARIA is to not use ARIA! Instead, prioritize using native HTML semantics whenever possible.

Input Types

If tagName: 'input' is specified, additional options allow further customization:

  • inputType – Sets the "type" attribute of the input element (e.g., "text", "checkbox", "radio").
  • inputValue – Controls the input’s value.
  • pdomChecked – Manages the "checked" state for checkboxes or radio buttons.
  • Node.setPDOMAttribute() – Allows manual control over additional attributes on the primary DOM element.

These options provide a way to ensure form elements are both interactive and accessible.

The example above shows a node whose PDOM representation is a basic checkbox. To make it interactive, use Node.addInputListener(), which accepts an object where keys are DOM event names and values are callback functions.

For a full list of supported Scenery events, including those originating from the PDOM, refer to the Input.js documentation.
⚠️ Note: PDOM event listeners often differ from mouse event listeners. Be sure to remove listeners when disposing of a node using Node.removeInputListener().

Additionally, specifying a "label" tag name for the label sibling will automatically set the for attribute, ensuring a proper Accessible Name. See this section for more details on accessible naming in the PDOM.


All interactive elements in the PDOM receive keyboard focus. However, not all objects in the display should be interactive.
For example, in PhET Interactive Simulations, the sweater in Balloons and Static Electricity is a dynamic element (it transfers electrons to a balloon) but is not directly interacted with. As a result, it never receives focus.

Focus Handling

When an element in the PDOM is focused, a focus highlight is automatically rendered in the display to support keyboard navigation. This happens when:

  • The tagName is an inherently focusable element (e.g., "button").
  • The focusable option is used to make other elements focusable.
  • A custom focus highlight is specified using the focusHighlight option, which accepts a Node or Shape.

Visibility and Focus Order

  • An element’s visibility in the PDOM and its position in the focus order are affected by Node.visible.
  • Visibility can also be toggled independently for assistive technologies using Node.pdomVisible.
  • When pdomVisible: false, the element is hidden from screen readers and removed from the focus order.

Interactive Content

The PDOM provides the same input capabilities as standard HTML elements, so understanding HTML interactions is beneficial when designing accessible content.

A prerequisite for any interactive node in the PDOM is the focusable option. Setting focusable: true allows keyboard (or assistive technology) input to reach the node. The events a node's primary sibling receives depend on its accessible name and role.

  • The ARIA role attribute (set via ariaRole) can help convey custom interactions.
  • For example, assigning the "application" role allows screen readers to pass all input events—such as "keyup" and "keydown"—to the DOM element, which are not typically available for buttons in some assistive technologies (AT).
  • Focusable elements can be manually controlled with Node.focus() and Node.blur().

Once the PDOM structure is defined and the expected interaction events are known, use Node.addInputListener() to attach event listeners for PDOM interactions.
For a complete list of supported events (keydown, keyup, click, input, change, focus, blur), see the Input.js documentation.

Manipulating the PDOM

Most properties of the ParallelDOM trait are mutable, allowing the PDOM to dynamically update alongside the graphical scene. Common properties include:

  • tagName – Set/get the tag name of the primary DOM sibling.
  • labelTagName – Set/get the tag name of the label sibling.
  • descriptionTagName – Set/get the tag name of the description sibling.
  • innerContent – Set/get the text content of the primary sibling.
  • labelContent – Set/get the text content of the label sibling.
  • descriptionContent – Set/get the text content of the description sibling.
  • ariaRole – Set/get the ARIA role for the primary DOM sibling.

These properties can be dynamically updated, not just set as options.
- Setting any *[tT]agName property to null removes that element from the PDOM.
- Setting Node.tagName = null clears all accessible content from the node.

For a full list of getters and setters, refer to the ParallelDOM.js source code.

A Note About Accessible Name

The Accessible Name of an element is how assistive technologies (AT) identify it within the browser's accessibility tree. Understanding this concept is critical for creating an accessible PDOM. While a deep dive into this topic is beyond the scope of this document, you can refer to background reading for more details.

Below is an overview of the different ways to set an Accessible Name using the Scenery PDOM API.

  • Element's Content
    Example: <button>My Button</button>
  • Use innerContent to set the element's content as its Accessible Name.

  • label Element

  • A <label> element can provide an Accessible Name for an input element that lacks inner content.
  • Labels are the preferred method when visible text already identifies the element in the display.
  • A <label> can only be associated with labelable elements like those described in the HTML specification.
  • Set labelTagName: "label", and the "for" attribute will automatically link to the primary sibling.

  • aria-label Attribute

  • The aria-label attribute can be used to provide an Accessible Name.
  • Use the ariaLabel option to set this attribute on the primary DOM element.

  • aria-labelledby Attribute

  • This attribute associates an element's name with another HTML element, even if they are not adjacent in the DOM.
  • Use addAriaLabelledbyAssociation() to set up this association:

```js this.addAriaLabelledbyAssociation({ thisElementName: PDOMPeer.PRIMARY_SIBLING, otherNode: nodeWithAccessibleName, otherElementName: PDOMPeer.PRIMARY_SIBLING });

This method lets you specify which PDOM element to associate, though it is typically the primary sibling. A similar function, addAriaDescribedbyAssociation(), is available for aria-describedby, see addAriaDescribedbyAssociation.


To manipulate the order in the PDOM, use Node.pdomOrder = []. Scenery supports a fully independent tree of PDOMInstances to order the PDOM versus the ordering based on the nodes into the Instance tree. Because of this, you can use Node.pdomOrder to largely remap the scene graph (for rendering into the PDOM) without affecting the visually rendered output.

Node.pdomOrder takes any array of nodes, even if they aren't children to that node. Note that a node must be connected to the main scene graph (via children) in order to support being in a pdomOrder. Thus, you cannot only add a node to a pdomOrder and expect it to render to the PDOM.

Interactive Alerts

All interactive alerts are powered by the aria-live attribute. PhET manages alerts using a custom queue, see utteranceQueue.js.

Each accessible display is equipped with an UtteranceQueue that can receive alerts. All PhET alerts should be processed through utteranceQueuearia-live should not be manually added to elements in the PDOM.

Performance Considerations

Manipulating the DOM can be performance-intensive. Frequent updates, especially every animation frame, can degrade performance on slower devices like tablets and phones. To optimize performance:

  • Minimize the frequency of setting accessible content and attributes whenever possible.
  • Avoid unnecessary updates to the DOM to prevent excessive rendering overhead.
  • Future improvements: Work is in progress to batch updates to the DOM, reducing the number of changes per animation frame.

For more details and ongoing discussions, see:

Next Steps for Understanding

For developer-related questions or issues, please reach out to @jessegreenberg or @zepumph, and update this document as needed to assist future developers. Additionally, @terracoda is a great resource for questions regarding ARIA and web accessibility.

PhET Published Resources

Source Code

For up-to-date documentation and the latest API details for accessibility in Scenery, see the ParallelDOM.js source code.

Good luck and happy coding! 🚀



Voicing is an accessibility feature developed by PhET that enables speech output directly from the browser, without relying on third-party screen-reading software. Speech is generated using Speech Synthesis, making it accessible to users who may benefit from spoken content but do not use or have access to traditional screen readers.

While primarily designed to describe interactive content, Voicing has potential applications beyond accessibility.

Speech output is generally triggered in response to user input, and the API is designed to support this interaction model. Voicing content can be defined on a node-by-node basis, allowing interactive components within a Scenery application to generate speech as needed.


Voicing content is categorized into Responses, which shape the API design.

  • Name Response: The label for the component using Voicing, similar to an "Accessible Name" in digital accessibility.
  • Object Response: The state information related to the component, typically describing the object receiving input.
  • Context Response: Describes the result of an interaction that affects the broader application state, rather than just the component itself.
  • Hint Response: Provides guidance on how to interact with the component using Voicing.


For a Scenery object representing a magnet, the assigned responses might be:

  • Name Response: Magnet
  • Object Response: Weak strength.
  • Context Response: Creating a weak magnetic field for other magnetic objects.
  • Hint Response: Move me to modify the magnetic field.

As shown in this example:

  • Name Response labels the component.
  • Object Response describes the component’s state.
  • Context Response explains its impact on the surrounding application.
  • Hint Response provides guidance on how to interact with the component.

Responses Implemented with Voicing.ts

Voicing is implemented as a trait called Voicing.ts, which can be composed with Scenery’s Node.
This trait allows setting different responses on a Node and making a request to speak one or more of them.
The API of Voicing.ts is described in more detail later in this document.

Responses Collected with responseCollector.js

The flow of responses is managed by a singleton called responseCollector.js.

  • Responses of a specific type can be globally enabled or disabled, allowing user preferences to control verbosity.
  • This enables applications to toggle certain responses if they are too verbose or unhelpful.
  • responseCollector.js maintains Properties that manage response states and contains utility functions for assembling final Voicing content based on these states.

Voicing.ts API

The following enumerates the Voicing.ts API.


A getter/setter for the {string|null} name response for the Node.


A getter/setter for the {string|null} object response for the Node.


A getter/setter for the {string|null} context response for the Node.


A getter/setter for the {string|null} hint response for the Node.


A getter/setter for the {Utterance|null} used to speak Voicing content.

By default, a unique Utterance is created and assigned when using the Voicing trait. This allows speech output to leverage the UtteranceQueue, ensuring that an Utterance is not announced until it has "stabilized." If multiple responses are triggered rapidly, only the last response will be spoken.

To override this behavior, you can assign a custom Utterance to the Node.


A getter/setter for the {UtteranceQueue|null} used to manage Voicing content.

By default, a global singleton called voicingUtteranceQueue.js is used to handle speech output. However, you can assign a different or multiple UtteranceQueues if more control over speech behavior is needed.


A function that requests speech for all responses associated with the Node.
Only responses enabled by responseCollector.js will be spoken. Typically, this is called in response to user input or application state changes.


A function that speaks only the specified responses, as determined by options.
Only responses enabled by responseCollector.js will be spoken. Typically, this is called in response to user input or application state changes.


A function that speaks only the name response.
Only responses enabled by responseCollector.js will be spoken. Typically, this is called in response to user input or application state changes.


A function that speaks only the object response.
Only responses enabled by responseCollector.js will be spoken. Typically, this is called in response to user input or application state changes.


A function that speaks only the context response.
Only responses enabled by responseCollector.js will be spoken. Typically, this is called in response to user input or application state changes.


A function that speaks only the hint response.
Only responses enabled by responseCollector.js will be spoken. Typically, this is called in response to user input or application state changes.


A function called whenever the Node that mixes Voicing receives focus.
By default, every response except the context response is spoken on focus, but this behavior can be overridden if necessary.


A {boolean} getter/setter that determines whether voicingManager Properties are applied when making speech requests.

  • If true, voicingManager Properties are ignored, and all responses will be spoken regardless of settings.
  • If false, voicingManager Properties control which responses are spoken.


Sets the collection of patterns to use for voicingManager.collectResponses.
This allows control over:
- The order of responses in Voicing.ts
- Punctuation and formatting of spoken content

For more details or to create custom patterns, see ResponsePatternCollection.js.

Code Examples

Simple Example

The following illustrates a basic example of using Voicing.ts with a Node.
Click the Rectangle to hear speech.

Controlled Responses

The following is a more advanced example that demonstrates direct control over spoken responses.

In this example, you can drag the rectangle within the bounds:
- On pickup, the name response is spoken.
- On release, the horizontal position (object response) is spoken.

This example also demonstrates enabling/disabling the object response globally using a checkbox.

Reading Blocks

Reading Blocks are Nodes that use Voicing, but with special behavior and a common set of Voicing options.
They are typically used for graphical objects that are not otherwise interactive, but still contain Voicing content (e.g., Text).

Characteristics of Reading Blocks:

  • Unique focus highlight to indicate they can be clicked to hear Voicing content.
  • Added to the focus order when Voicing is enabled.
  • Special highlight appears around the content while it is being spoken.

Reading Blocks are implemented as a trait called ReadingBlock, which extends Voicing.
Since ReadingBlock is a trait, it can be used with Scenery Nodes.

Mouse Highlighting

The Voicing feature supports highlights that appear on mouse hover.
This highlights elements that can receive input, either because they are naturally interactive or because they support Voicing content, like Reading Blocks.


Mouse Highlighting is handled by the InteractiveHighlighting.js trait, which can be composed with Scenery Nodes.

  • InteractiveHighlighting adds an input listener to activate the Display’s FocusOverlay when a highlight should be shown.
  • Since InteractiveHighlighting is extended by [Voicing.ts], all Nodes using Voicing automatically support Mouse Highlighting.

See our Accessibility Guides for more information on accessibility in Scenery. This contains information from the PhET Accessibility Team, and may be relevant to your work.